Just the one Mrs Wembley?

Those of you who know me well, know I am partial to the odd glass of something sparkly…..or none-sparkly… or rose… or well actually, the old adage of “so long as it’s wet and alcoholic” probably covers it. I seem to be well established as the Facebook lush – my time line is littered with… Continue reading Just the one Mrs Wembley?

One of those days…… and I’m thankful for it…

It’s Sunday. It’s always been an odd day for me, a dichotomy of not doing anything and not wanting to really either but also feeling that life was passing me by and everyone was doing something far more interesting/exciting/glamorous. Growing up, I always wondered why, particularly in the winter months, we didn’t just DO SOMETHING… Continue reading One of those days…… and I’m thankful for it…


Before we start, with a title as such, let me stop your curiously wondering minds right there – this is not a homage to my (miscreant) youth, I am not about to come clean as a dubious phone line “service” provider or explain that I pole dance in my spare time (of course if I… Continue reading Confessions……

Introducing the weird and not so wonderful…

I’m taking the plunge….no, not the ice bucket one that is doing the rounds (though it is being used very positively for various charities, raising awareness and much needed funds)…I’m afraid this is much less altruistic but I’m dipping my toes into the whirlpool of blogging…..Drum rolls, clapping and air horns aplenty please. Failing all… Continue reading Introducing the weird and not so wonderful…