Happy Birthday to You – My Swan Song

It is fittingly ironic that yesterday, we received further communication from genetics regarding the 100,000 genome project (you can learn more about this: https://www.genomicsengland.co.uk/about-genomics-england/the-100000-genomes-project/) on the eve of Undiagnosed Children’s Day. Whilst the letter outlined what we already broadly knew (nothing has so far been found to explain the complexities related to Minx and potentially… Continue reading Happy Birthday to You – My Swan Song


I’m pretty sure that’s not the most inspiring name for a blog post, nor one that makes you think “oooh, this will be a rip-roaring laugh which I must sit down and digest with lashings of ginger beer & a cream tea (a touch of the Enid Blyton’s has come over me this morning; I… Continue reading Melancholia….

The Good, The Bad….& the ugly….

I threw my toys out the pram a few weeks ago….figueratively you understand although I must admit I did feel like throwing things literally as well…..sadly, I am (allegedly) a grown up and this sort of behaviour is frowned upon…unless you are at a Greek wedding, or so I’m told. What was the reason for… Continue reading The Good, The Bad….& the ugly….