Comfort food or food to comfort?

Today has been a bit 💩 I’m not going to lie…… We had to be Chez Hotel NHS Harrogate bright and early this morning for a date with radiology following G-Man’s “discussion” with a fire extinguisher on the last day of term. For the avoidance of doubt the fire extinguisher won & once again G… Continue reading Comfort food or food to comfort?

Relentlessly Relentless….

Who cares for the carers? There are many days where I feel like waving the white flag of surrender. I give up. Stick a fork in me, I’m done. Substitute your own personal favourite motto for when the 💩💩 just keeps on coming and you really don’t want to face it anymore. As a rule, I am… Continue reading Relentlessly Relentless….

Once Upon a Time….

Let me tell you a story. Are you sitting comfortable? Then I’ll begin… Once upon a time there was a (relatively) normal family. Let’s call them the Jones’s, although I don’t think may people will be aiming to “keep up with the Jones’s”  once they have read this. In fact perhaps, it’s more a nightmare,… Continue reading Once Upon a Time….